Blue LED light bulbs
Ranked 3.0 out-of 5.0 by mpheadley sweet blue accent light. Wish it had been at the least 40w comparable sweet blue accent light. Wish it were at the very least 40w equivalent. Useful for two recessed lights on front-porch, one each in the middle on either side of stairs in photo published. Photo appears as more purple, is wrong to eyesight. Similar to colour of base of bulb. January 13, 2016
Rated 5.0 off 5.0 by Stacy Love the effect Love the result thus giving to the jellyfish hanging lamp. Might 10, 2016
Ranked 4.0 off 5.0 by Kibesh Soft Accent Light i personally use this as a soft light to illuminate the family area at night. No glare but easy to see to navigate the space. Additionally will not glare down the hall if someone has gone to bed. April 13, 2016
Rated 5.0 off 5.0 by Nita Lighting like the blue lighting, would recommend to everyone April 12, 2016
Ranked 5.0 out-of 5.0 by DaBoss an ideal Bulb We needed this bulb for a play we had been wearing. It had been fantastic. Instant on and instant off. Best of all it helped maintain the phase cool and brighter than before. March 10, 2015
Rated 4.0 regarding 5.0 by lilrj3 sweet Bulb This light bulb works great, but it could be just a little brighter. January 5, 2016
Ranked 4.0 away from 5.0 by Xraygirl Blue I happened to be wondering once I bought this if it will be blue at all. It's! It is outstanding color of blue. I would personally provide 5 movie stars if it shined brighter. It does not emit really brilliant anyway. October 6, 2015
Rated 5.0 out-of 5.0 by Chachmom Great blue light for outdoors use laid this bulb in external light for LAW Enforcement Week and show understanding to your regional officers residing and deceased. Police Mom May 12, 2015

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